Saturday, May 7, 2011


Hi, I see that the blog has been filled with other posts, so its my turn to fit on here:
  • We are running low on money, so the cure for the plauge we will not be able to pay for. However, we will contact the people nearby and see what they can do to pay for it. And even though we are low on money, we will donate some cloth, if any of you need it. Well, mainly if Oceania wants it, since Explatter already has some.
  • We actually arranged for the Crayon people to move in, because there specialty is silk worms. Whats so special about silk worms, you may ask? These are specially bread silk worms that produce neon colored silk, which would take an extreme amount of time to dye that color originally.
  • Oh, Explatter, I didn't know you had a port. Sure, we'd love to trade with you, especially for some of the sharks. You see, we have some new foreign visitors from the Ocean. There an all female warrior mermaid gang, and what do they ride? You guessed right: Sharks. So whatever you don't have, we'll attempt to muster up to trade.
  • As for the Rookles, again, weve contacted them, and please do not attempt to speak to them without a skilled translator from our lands. There language is vvveeerrryyy different from ares, and attempting to communicate may cause severe conflict.
  • The coloring on my portrait is finished!
  • We won't be having contests probably for a while, nor will be participating in them because we will be attempting to restore our economy and buisnesses. I apologize and good luck to all participants.
  • There has been a rouge group of centaurs attempting to break through our borders. Luckkily, we have been able to fend them off. Soon, we will send a group of assassins to go and sedate them and bring them bye horse far away.
  • Were still looking for: Any type of vegtables, cattle, sheep, horses, clay. We will be able to provide: Stones, gems, diamonds, hand woven cloth, factory machines, finished clothes, books, college scholarships, crafting supplies, spy/ assassin defense, and any entertainment desired,


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