Friday, February 24, 2012

Herb Sale!

Many herbs are now available from Oceanica's healers at very low prices! Here are some of our many herbs along with prices:
Heaven's Blossom (5 clinkas per bundle)
Wheat Stalks (3 clinkas per bundle)
Marigold Heads (1 clinka per head)
Rudbeckia Heads (2 clinkas per head)
Seedlings (4 clinkas per ounce)
Holly Leaves (3 clinkas per ounce)
Winter Dried Holly Berries (6 clinkas per ounce)
Dancing Petals (1 clinka per sprig)
Sprig of Summer (1 clinka per sprig)
Pine Needles (3 clinkas per ounce)
Soft Needled Branch (3 clinkas per ounce)
Trailing Flora (2 clinkas per sprig)
Meadow Grasses (2 clinkas per bundle)
Green Pearl Leaves (5 clinkas per ounce)
Sacred Bark & Twigs (4 clinkas per piece)
We will also begin our healer's tools sale soon!

Thursday, February 23, 2012


Fellow Council members!
     Oceanica is willing to trade fish and wood with you at very low costs! Also, due to the mild winter, we have been able to harvest some herbs usually harvested in the fall and spring.
     We are very interested in the healing saps the other nation has to offer. We are willing to trade almost anything for such precious items!
     Also, we will send our best healers to your Academy. I believe that it will be easier to handle the stress of such a tremendous task if we work together. I will send them with herbs and healing supplies.
     We will be selling our supplies of newly collected herbs soon! We will post prices(in clinkas).
Thanks, Marinna!

Saturday, February 11, 2012


Well great, everyone! I didn't know of this lumber industry, and since I believe inter nation trade is very important, I would love to negotiate with you for the wood. Still, I believe we should help that nation with the nightlock poisoning, my cousin gor it once, and it is a terrifying course of illness. Of course, our university will begin work right away! We have just gotten our new class in, so it will be a great way for our students to study and also get hours on there required community service effort. It's a relatively easy cure, from what I understand, its just very time consuming. And since you do need to treat each person individually, I'll send out some carriages to your nation to get your nurses there, as well as send some of our translators, healing students, and international study students to help with the effort. Since you have the fish, but allready have the wood, do you still wish to trade for the wood, or something else? They do have these amazing saps from there trees, along with some mosses and mushrooms that are unique to there area that are known to have an amazing healing quality. Like, phenomenal. Some of them have been known to heal blood clots, others for certain types of poisonings, and the mushrooms have a pain relief that can make you not feel the pain from a cut going through to your bone.

Also, we are fine in terms of meat and other animal products, we just need fruit/vegtables/fish badly. What do you wonderful people need? Even if its something specific, I can negotiate with outside sources to get you pretty much anything. By the way, a sea over from us there is a small rebellion going on. This is one of our major trade partners, but we are not planning on getting involved unless requested to by the nation. I just felt that you might want to know, incase any trouble arises.

Until then, tata my dears!
Melody <3


We heard of your food and wood shortage and want to help.

Oceanica has a growing agricultural industry, and many people have taken to farming! We might have a surplus of crops soon, and would like to help you in any way possible.
The land surrounding rivers are the most popular farming lands, where we cultivate strange fruits and hearty vegetables. We have been able to keep Oceanica healthy thanks to our new found agriculture.

Oceanica also has a flourishing lumber business. In our forests, men do not cut down trees, but instead us the precious remains of freshly-fallen trees or branches. Our woods are very valuable, and we hope to preserve our forests by only using fallen wood. We recognize that Fantasia needs high quality wood for instrument making, and we could provide you some.

Now, concerning the trade:
We have had a mild winter thus far, and now have a surplus of fish. We will get our healers working on the remedy to the other country's illness, but we will need the help of Fantasia's Academy to produce enough remedies to heal an entire country. Also, to treat this kind of poisoning, we will need to travel to work one-on-one with the ill members of  the community.

Oceanica has been having relatively easy times, and we wish to help you in any way possible!

Monday, February 6, 2012


I have noticed that you had said you needed wood. I live in a forest, so perhaps I can provide some. I have also been learning some new skills on trade and neogocaiting from the communita tribes. After I learn some more I will start actually neogociating with more tribes. I will also keep my ninjas on guard in case of anymore incidents. Well i'll try to stay posted.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hello, my dears

Now that we have all of our basic information down, lets get started! I realize that none of us seem to export wood... well building are made of wood... along with basically everything alot of us make. So I have gotten in contact with one of the lumber communities (some lovely nymphs in the main land communities) who are willing to negotiate for it for some fish and some magical herbs and things (that means you Marrina). The herbs, in question, are for a case of Nightlock poisoning. Someone, apparently, snuck the deadly nightlock berries into there food stores, causing nation wide sickness. Please tell me if you have these things so we can start final negotiations. Of course, once the supplies are shipped, we'll deal within ourselves as to how we, Melody and Bloome, can pay you for the wood. Our wood supplies for instruments are runnign dangerously low, so were hafting to make flutes our of marble, and wed love this to be fixed right away.

On a different note, we need food. And lots of it. Our cattle buisness just isnt enough to feed a coutry, and we have had a few recent reports of poverty, so were making a "Stop hunger before it starts!" campaign. Fish, crops, really anything.

We have recently gotten a large import of precious gems, like rubys, emeralds, and saphires, along with amazing silks, spices and great new magic ingredients, which we willl be using in some of our new developments. Please contact me if your interested in any of this, along with our other main exports, which we have in plenty, no worries.

Our university! How exciting! We are offering many majors this year, including:
  • Healing
  • Herbs, plants, and potions
  • White magic
  • Basics of witchcraft
  • Basic Magic
  • Mythical Creatures
  • Musical Theatre
  • Music
  • Dance
  • Teaching
And much more!

Well thats all that exciting for now, thankyou, love you all
Melody <3

Monday, January 16, 2012


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Explatter Forests Updated

  1. Starting Money - 1,ooo,ooo clinkas
  2. Population - 3oo,ooo
  3. Imports - Masks, Fruits, Clothing & Fabrics, Livestock, Food & Agricultural Items, Etc.
  4. Exports - Fish, Shoes, Building Materials, Dance Brochures for Academies, Etc.
  5. Geography - Island, Forests, Pretty Waterfalls and Streams, Etc.
  6. Neighboring Countries - Fantasia & Oceanica
  7. Governmental System - Representative/Democracy
  8. Manufacturing System (agriculture, industry, etc) - Agriculture, Preformers, Shoemakers, Scientists
  9. Defense - NINJAS!
  10. Animals, etc - Owls, Sea Creatures, Unicorns, Mythical Creatures, Etc.
  11. Religion, arts, etc - Free Religion, Most Focus On Gods. Arts- Dancing

Friday, January 6, 2012

Auto Bio

Since we are starting over, I thought it would be great to give a little info on me, the countries leader. I think it would be great if you guys did the same! My name is Melody, and I am the leader of Fantasia. I have reddish brownish blonde hair and dark brown eyes. I posses the ability to play any instrument I pick up, and sing any song upon hearing it for the first time. In ancient greek mythology, people like me were called, "Muses". We have a special ability for something very specific, in my case music. On the right you will see a picture of me taken last year, the one with the violin, and on your left you will see a picture of me at the age of 16 or so, the one with the flute. Music is an international language, and thats part of why my people are such great traders and translators. Also, obviously, it is why they are great artists and performers. I run a peaceful, beautiful, and fun land. I run my government in a way where I am the primary leader, but all many important descisions are decided by both me and public voting and opinion. My personal cabinet also includes represenitives chosen by the people. We also have once a month foreign nations meeetings, where all of the foreign nations send represenatives and we talk about foreign polocies, which I will happily report to you each month. I am a very creative individual and I look forward to working with you all!
Love, Melody (feel free to do your own)

Oceanica- Updated

It's been awhile, but Oceanica is back!

Our info:
  1. Starting Money: 1,ooo,ooo clinkas
  2. Population: appx. 225,ooo
  3. Imports: livestock, fabrics, agricultural items(fruit, vegatables), metals, precious gems and minerals
  4. Exports: fish, herbs, sacred healing items from Mystic Falls, specialty magical items
  5. Geography: generally flat land, near the ocean. the Central Village Resides between the ocean and Oceanic Creek, which runs into neighboring lands. large sand dunes present near ocean, vast woodland upstream, downstream are the Mystic Falls, named for their magic and mystery
  6. Neighboring Countries: Fantasia, Explatter Forests
  7. Governmental System: a wise, kind, and willing leader who oversees Oceanica and addresses any issues. The people of Oceanica will forever be permitted to address issues with the leader, and "let their voice be heard." When a leader is ready to step down from their position, they carefully select a new leader.
  8. Manufacturing System (agriculture, industry, etc.): some agriculture, mostly in specialty crops. industry run by hughly-skilled artisans, who make high-quality work.
  9. Defense: always tries to make peace first, if necessary, we have a small force of highly trained combat persons always ready to fight
  10. Animals, etc.: The People of Mer(mermaids who reside in the sea), Great-Horned Elk(large elk with very large antlers), other magical/mythical creatures
  11. Religion, arts, etc.: believe in idividual gods for every element and item in nature; rich religion with many fesitivals

Thursday, January 5, 2012

NEW Fantasia

  1. Starting money (everyone starts with this much): 1 million clinkas
  2. Population: 300,000
  3. Imports: Crops, hay and other grains, tools, metal, lumber, stone, clay, ect.
  4. Exports: Fabrics, specialty crafts, weapons, potions, instruments, livestock (dairy, meet, skins, leather), wool, trade, defense, boats and other vehicles, some fish, exotics (spices, fabrics, foods, animals from specialty places)
  5. Geography: Slightly on the ocean, only having one beach, with un-fertile land, yet acceptable for livestock. Really no natural resouces.
  6. Neighboring Countries: Other Neighboring cities (you guys's land)
  7. Governmental System : Democracy
  8. Manufacturing System: Trade is our main source of income; We communicate with other lands, are fluent translators, and trade.
  9. Defense: We are great spies AND we have various magical defenders, like witches and magic creatures.
  10. Animals: Various mythical creatures which I will add pictures of later.
  11. Religion: We believe in various gods, similar to the greeks and romans
  12. Other: We also are grat craftsmen, and make specialty products (like our famous fabrics), and also are extremely important in the arts industry, with theatres, musicians, and things. Also, we have the best University in all of the land, including the prestiged  "Academy of Magic".
This is what yours should resemble, other leaders. Until then, keep safe my dears
